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Motorcycle Hazard Perception Test Practice

Potential Hazard driving theory test practice

Potential Hazard

Potential Hazard


At this point, the lady only represents a potential hazard. As she is not a developing hazard,


clicking at this time will gain zero points.



                45 out of 75

Actual Hazard Driving Theory Test Pracice

Developing  Hazard 

Developing Hazard


Now as the lady changes direction towards the road, she becomes a developing hazard.


At the time she changes direction towards the road would be where the highest points of 5 will be gained.


The longer it takes you to realise the developing hazard and the further into the road she walks, the less points will be gained from 5 points down to 1.

Actual Hazard

Actual Hazard Driving Theory Test Pracice


Actual Hazard 

The lady is now in the direct path of your car and has become an actual hazard. At this point if the mouse has been clicked, you have failed to spot the developing hazard and zero points will be gained.

    Hazards you need to look for :

  1. Pedestrians crossing the road

  2. Cyclists emerging from side roads

  3. Cyclists moving into your path to avoid something such as a parked car

  4. Vehicles emerging from side roads

  5. Vehicles moving off from a parked position or a driveway

  6. Large vehicles moving onto your side of the road

  7. Meeting oncoming vehicles on narrow roads

  8. Children playing next to the road

  9. Animals running into the road

  10. Junctions that are hidden and difficult to see

  11. Parked vehicles

How we can Help

                      8G Hackworth Ind Park Shildon DL4 1HF

Contact us for help with your hazard percepption test

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If you require help with your motorcycle hazard perception test 

Contact us and we will explain how we can help

One to One face to face practice to pass your motorcycle hazard perception test

Hazard perception tet practice online

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All Instructors are experienced in enabling you to master how to do Motorcycle Hazard perception test clips in a fun yet productive way.
One to One face to face hazard perception test practice

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Pass Your Driving Theory Test
 Hazard Perception

It took me only one lesson to learn my hazard perception, Shirley made it look so easy thank you Richard 

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